Fill The World With Stories


Friday Writings - Doors Part 4

Were back with Emma and Trevor, last time they dodged some potential conflict when Trevor invited Emma’s son Sam into his apartment while she was still at work. Now it’s time for them to open up to each other. For those of you wanting to know how Emma got here, this week is for you!

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Collins WhiteComment
10 Tips To Make Video That Sells In 2022

If you’re on this page it’s because you’re either a video producer wanting to refine their craft or you’re looking for ways to expand your business with video. For more than a decade we’ve been creating videos for companies that meet their needs and speak to their audience, but it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. On the ever changing landscape of the internet in 2022 it’s hard to keep up with what works and what doesn’t, so we’re going to take a birds eye view of general principles that will help you make videos that sell!

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Collins WhiteComment
Three Act Structure

When telling a story no matter how long or how short, that story must have at least three parts, a beginning, a middle, and an end. Sounds simple right? But have you ever tried to actually tell a story? Where do you start? What details do you need to include? How do you get off this story ship before it sinks? In this post we’re going to examine the three act structure on an easily digestible level.

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Collins WhiteComment
In Praise of Tragedy

Film is often viewed as escapism. We go to the movies to avoid thinking of the life we have, or to imagine the life we want. Many times fantasies, super hero films, sci-fi, rom-coms or period pieces all fuel that desire for escapism. They do so by wrapping up plot points in neat bows where the hero wins, the good guys relationships are mended, and any tragedy is offset by happiness, even if it is a solemn happiness. 

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Collins WhiteComment
Producing A Film For A Festival

Other Vision Studios is known around Greenville, SC as being one of the best video production companies in the upstate. We’ve produced music videos for several local artists, brand videos for several great businesses, produced launch videos for a handful of products, and created several YouTube Channels for our clients, (and a brand-new YouTube Channel for our self). Despite all that our ventures in the short and feature film production side of this industry have been few and far between. That’s why, we were delighted when we were chosen to participate in the 2nd Act Film Festival!

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Collins WhiteComment